Iris: Spontaneous fermentation beer produced using only pale-ale type malt.Iris brings together two elements that were very present in our beers until the middle of the 20th century: the acidity produced by spontaneous fermentation and the bitterness resulting from the use of fresh hops followed by cold hopping.
Cantillon Sang Bleu
その新しい名前を遠くまで探す必要はありませんでした...血のように赤いビールを作る青い果物、Sang Bleu.私たちの友人であるAmmoはまたもや自分自身を凌駕し、その新しい名前にふさわしい素晴らしい新しいレーベルを作りました。Sang Bleuはパワフルで非常に果実味がありますが、酸味と渋みのバランスが素晴らしくまろやかです。
Lambic blend with blue honeysuckle, or haskap, berries.
For the past two years, we’ve been making a fruited blend with Camerise berries in small quantities.These berries are slightly sweet with a beautiful acidity.
We didn’t have to look very far for a its new name... a blue fruit that makes a blood-red beer: Sang Bleu.Our friend Ammo has outdone himself once again, creating a superb new label to go with its new name.Sang Bleu is powerful and very fruit-forward, but still maintains a nice, mellow balance between acidity and atringency.